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The Plan

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

      The Savoir-Faire Academy  assist clients in using social conventions as well as training clients to communicate and interact with peers, which will lead clients to building interpersonal relationships.

Clients with disabilities are usually at risk for deficits in Social skills development. Clients from low socio-economic communities also present deficits in Social skills conventions. The reasons for such deficits is attributed to lack of exposure to social settings and undeveloped vocabulary.  


Skills in pragmatics, which include but are not limited to the areas mentioned below.

  • Greetings for different types of relationships: i.e. child to adult or peer to peer

  • Switching roles

  • Adults should be addressed

  • Ways to make requests ("please") and show appreciation that are appropriate and polite ("thank you")

  • No put-downs, just Affirmations (praise) to peers.

  • Collaboration




Parent Coaching:

I've seen many parents with questions on their faces at Individualized Education Plan (IEP) tables over the years, but I'm not sure what questions they might pose. As a parent and educator, I always ask myself, "Have I given the parent all of the details I could?" Even if parents did not ask their questions, the challenge is to provide them with the knowledge they need to navigate the Local Education Agency (LEA). Some of these meetings became stressful for me as a result of my reflections, particularly if the families are immigrants.


Savoir-Faire Academy will walk you through each phase of the IEP process. This isn't a lobbying or advocacy campaign. Savoir-Faire Academy is a program for parents who want to develop their parenting skills. We'll give you the tools you need to navigate the public education system and make sure your child gets the help he or she needs to succeed in public or private school.  



Moving Minds Tutoring:

Since some students fail to recognize and retain content in school, our Moving Minds Tutoring Program offers assistance to all students in all academic areas. We believe in reclaiming our children's futures at Savoir-Faire Academy. We also assist students with severe cognitive disorders in their academic pursuits. Individualized instruction is provided for each student, including any changes or accommodations that they need. Individual guidance and frequent practice attempts are provided to students in order to help them learn and maintain skills.  At the moment we are only offering services virtually. We will resume face to face instruction in the near future. 





Self-Control Techniques:


Clients with disabilities also have trouble controlling their own emotions. When these clients become angry, they may throw tantrums or act aggressively. Disruptive habits in children are often diagnosed as disabling problems such as behavioral or mental disorders. Many disabled children may lag behind their typical peers in exhibiting mature behaviors, resulting in a lack of understanding of how to manage their own emotions.


Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders are the most common clients who don't know how to control their feelings. Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorders have a hard time controlling their emotions and recognizing them. Autism is a serious developmental condition that affects a person's ability to communicate and connect with others. Social difficulties are a part of the Autism Spectrum Disorders diagnosis, which indicates deficiencies in recognizing and expressing their own emotional states.

Emotional literacy is the ability to read and understand emotions.


Clients with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as children with autism spectrum disorders, benefit from the Savoir-Faire Academy's emphasis on emotional literacy. The program's emotional literacy aspect teaches students how to recognize emotions based on facial expressions, how to define cause and effect for emotions and situations, and how to interact with personal emotional states in a variety of ways.


This is an environment free of bias; therefore, any client or program host may reference their religious belief as they deem necessary. #SafeSpace!

Contractual Obligations​


Clients with inadequate self-regulation skills will use behavioral agreements to both teach and self-monitor their difficulties with self-regulation. Behavior contracts may also teach and reward desirable or "replacement" behavior. Clients at Savoir-Faire Academy are encouraged to become more assertive in their communication with peers and adults. Clients are given many opportunities to express their feelings, make demands, and express their thoughts or feelings without fear of mockery or ridicule. In the Savoir-Faire Academy, both clients work toward mastering targets set for various time periods.

Social/Relational Skills


Individuals' ability to consider others' emotional states, desires, and needs is critical to their success in school and in life. Clients are able to form meaningful relationships while still achieving success in other areas of their lives. In the long run, a client's social-emotional growth will help them achieve academic achievement, satisfaction, and financial stability as they leave the classroom.

Interactions That Are Appropriate


Teaching clients acceptable interactions necessitate a lot of preparation time. Making requests, facilitating interactions, sharing, practicing reciprocity (give and take), and taking turns are all skills that children with disabilities, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorders, need to learn. Modeling, role-playing, scripting, and social narratives can all be used to teach clients on the Autism Spectrum appropriate experiences. Learning and generalizing relevant interactions successfully takes a lot of practice.

Capabilities for forming relationships

​The Savoir-Faire Academy is dedicated to helping clients understand and form relationships. We recognize that children with disabilities often lack the ability to form and maintain traditional relationships. Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) need a complete and clearly articulated demonstration of the components of friendship or relationships.

Skills Development and Generalization


Clients with disabilities face difficulties in both learning and applying social skills, according to the Savoir-Faire Academy team. These clients need a great deal of work. The following are some examples of effective ways to develop and generalize social skills:

  • Modeling - The instructor, with the help of an aide or another teacher, acts out the social experiences that you want your students to understand.

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  • With parent permission, videotape the client performing the social ability with lots of encouragement, then edit out the prompting to produce a more seamless digital recording.

  • The client's attempt to generalize the social ability would be aided by this video and rehearsal.

  • Social interaction cartoon strips - These cartoons enable your clients to fill in the thinking and speech bubbles before role-playing a conversation.

  • According to research, these are useful methods for assisting clients in developing social interaction skills. Role-playing - Maintaining social skills requires a lot of practice Role-playing is a fantastic way for kids to not only practice the skills they're learning, but also to show them how to assess each other's or their own success.

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